Young Homeless Man in Cardiff, Wales Shares Real Truth About Sleeping Rough

by Super User, 6 years ago
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Andy has been sleeping rough in Cardiff, Wales for the last three weeks. Andy's dad is an alcoholic and he feels safer sleeping outside than at home with family.

When I first saw Andy is was sleeping. As a rule, I never wake anyone up. Andy shares about how he has been walking around at night and desperate for sleep. Sleep deprivation is common for homeless people sleeping rough. A good nights sleep is rare.

Although Andy shares about rough sleeping in the United Kingdom, the challenges of living on the streets homelessness are the same in the United States and Canada. People don't just walk by, they spit on you and call you names. People even with good intentions give an overabundance of food yet refuse to help with money or other basics needs besides Mcdonalds or Burger King meals.

Here's a post I wrote about panhandling and people begging for money: “Giving Money to Homeless People Is Okay

Andy's story is powerful. He's only 21 years old and he's experiencing more pain and suffering than any young adult should. Sadly, Andy's story is far too common among homeless young adults. Instead of giving a sandwich we all must work together to end homelessness.

Thanks to all of your support, we got Andy inside tonight. He found me a little while after this interview with all of the change he had made from panhandling in his hand and said "I am going to give this to a charity box." Just by helping him get inside tonight it changed everything.

Special thanks to Crisis


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Since its launch in November 2008, Invisible People has leveraged the power of video and the massive reach of social media to share the compelling, gritty, and unfiltered stories of homeless people from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. The vlog (video blog) gets up close and personal with veterans, mothers, children, layoff victims and others who have been forced onto the streets by a variety of circumstances. Each week, they’re on, and high traffic sites such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, proving to a global audience that while they may often be ignored, they are far from invisible.

Invisible People goes beyond the rhetoric, statistics, political debates, and limitations of social services to examine poverty in America via a medium that audiences of all ages can understand, and can’t ignore. The vlog puts into context one of our nation’s most troubling and prevalent issues through personal stories captured by the lens of Mark Horvath – its founder – and brings into focus the pain, hardship and hopelessness that millions face each day. One story at a time, videos posted on shatter the stereotypes of America’s homeless, force shifts in perception and deliver a call to action that is being answered by national brands, nonprofit organizations and everyday citizens now committed to opening their eyes and their hearts to those too often forgotten.

Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness.